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Greek traditional cuisιne

"Marigoula" is a hidden treasure in Polygyros. It's family run restaurant located near the old Town Hall, one of the oldest in the teritory of Polygyros and operates since 1971. Available for lunch or dinner in pleasant family oriented environment. Greek traditional cuisιne and delicacies from all over Greece prepared with recepies that honor the tradition and complement a conteporary touch.

Traditional fish restaurant

In the old days, when the fishing boats docked, after a long and tiring day and after cleaning and washing the nets, the cook prepared the food for the exhausted fishermen.
The food was always delicious and cooked in the old traditional way.
We have tried to uphold this traditional way of cooking unaltered for years now, with a strict choice of food products, so that we are able to offer you the best appetizers and the most delicious food in an environment of warm Greek hospitality.